Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The Hub latest..........

I know its a bit of a cop-out but I have been adding the below to the various Linkedin Groups this morning to generate some more Hub conversations. I do find Linkedin very useful for posting to a large network qucikly although I always receive a mixed response.

Yesterday, I also had my first meeting based on a lead from Twitter! I still need convincing about Twitter but as its quick to use then why not.

On the topic of social and professional networking tools, I look forward with great interest to Google Wave when it is launched and can see a wealth of opportunities for recruitment businesses. Especially to communicate and share information with a large network swiftly. There are of course plans for The Hub to make use of this technology!
In preparation, I have been purchasing some URL's which we have plans for such as -
These have received hits already despite them being pointed to adverts on Sedo. I get 4p if you click on one of the adverts!

I really think that if it does what it says it will, the Google Wave could transform the way that we communicate as a business. - Watch this space!

Finally, I have got around to adding Google Analytics to this site so can see how many are reading. Fairly modest numbers but double figures each day so don't be shy and leave a comment!

Anyway, here is what i was posting earlier -

A recent poll, published in a recuitment industry magazine, indicated that 78% of polled recruiters were considering or were actively working in collaboration with other UK recruitment businesses. Is this an area that you are considering as a business?
I am interested to hear from any UK Recruitment Business Leaders interested in collaboration.
The Hub's unique offering and innovative concept is generating interest and revenue for our partners.
We provide our partners with an improved delivery capability and placing where they otherwise would not have been able to. Our partners concentrare on winning new business and maximising existing business relationships, knowing that we will take care of delivery.
A positive message in the struggling UK Recruitment Market!
We are part of a £120m Recruitment plc and still have capacity. We are always looking to build relationships with professional recruitment businesses and individuals.

For further information call The Hub on 0845 117 0 115 or visit our website -
We also have a blog for the latest news -

Jonny Hiles


  1. Google release so many services it seems their corporate ideology is based around trial and error...

    I do think if Google Wave captured the imagination then it would be a fantastic tool for recruiting but grabbing the attention of the internet population is no easy feat.

    Now to play the waiting game...

  2. Thank you for the comment Frankie. I quite agree but Wave does seem to be generating lots of noise on Twitter and other media.

