Monday, 1 June 2009

78% of recruiters would consider fee splitting partnerships

In the 27th May Copy of Recruiter Magazine, 78% of the polled recruitment agencies, stated that they would consider a fee-splitting partnership or are currently involved in a fee splitting agreement.

The Hub is a specialist recruitment company that is leading the way in the fee-splitting UK market and was launched to provide the independent recruiter with access to a recruitment plc delivery engine. We set up The Hub as part of a UK based £120m Recruitment plc to specifically cater for the UK market.

This latest poll highlights the growth in this market and 45 % of the polled recruiters were not currently in a fee splitting agreement but would consider The Hub service.

The Results are as follows -

Q. Is your company involved in any fee splitting partnerships?

Yes - 33%

Would Consider it - 45%

Absolutely not - 22%

We are looking for Recruitment Partners to join the network.

For further information, please visit or

If you would like to have a conversation with us, please give me a call on 0845 117 0 115 or send your details to

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