'Starting up a new venture is a difficult decision, but one that is incredibly rewarding. Although successful, I constantly thought there must be a better way to do this and wanted a solution that would capitalise upon my experiences. Being an independent recruiter obviously means that you don’t have the support and infrastructure that you would within a large company and that business relationships become more important. I researched franchises, business angels and recruitment Venture Capitalists but found that I would have to either pay out large sums of money, or that I would be restricted in the type of person that I would be able to recruit and ultimately would have to meet someone else’s targets. It would also mean that I would be responsible for the entire recruitment process with no real improvement in my ability to deliver candidates.
The Hub is the result of an idea I had that would bridge the gap between complete independence and the delivery capability of a large organisation .It’s for people like me, who want to work for themselves, setting their own targets and working patterns but would like to utilise the significant delivery capability of a £120m recruitment plc.'
‘The Hub exploits the strengths of both models to deliver an exceptional service to our clients.’
The Hub is part of the highly successful RSG, a Bristol based £120m recruitment plc. The Hub capitalises on the strengths of both the independent recruiter and the large recruitment group and we genuinely feel that it is a unique offering and is positive news in the current climate. We use a network of highly experienced independent recruiters to generate the vacancies from their contacts. They have strong relationships and typically will have been working in the industry for a number of years and therefore are experts in their field and highly trusted by their contacts. The Hub provides the partners with all of the tools that they need but crucially also provides the vast delivery capability of a recruitment plc for them to deliver a first class service.Our Recruitment partners are free to choose how, when and where they work.Our current partners include both established agencies and ambitious entrepreneurs but also people looking to secure a better work life balance for a variety of reasons. Because we do not set the hours or targets, our Recruitment Partners are free to work when and from where they choose. Strong relationships are key and The Hub provides all of the other infrastructure to get them billing including branding, agreements, technology and invoicing where needed. The Hub does not charge set up costs.
For further information on The Hub, please see http://www.recruitment-hub.com/
Information on RSG plc can be found on http://www.rsg-plc.com/
More about my experiences and the background to The Hub can be found at www.recruitment-hub.com/background.htm
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