Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Recruiting Diversity

In the current UK market competition is high, vacancies are chased by many and over-resourced by the suppliers. Clients are only working with the suppliers that can deliver best available and qualified candidates.

An option available to the majority of established agencies is diversification from the core market. We have all had vacancies that have been sent through to us by clients, sales teams and PSL agreements that have been happily ignored in a busy market. These roles may be on the periphery of the core discipline or simply something that you have no knowledge or database of.

I suspect that these roles are now being worked harder than they ever have but as a small agency, you may not have the time, energy, money or resources to effectively source best available candidates and compete in a new market. We are part of a £120m recruitment plc with over 25 years expertise in professional disciplines, a mature database and significant advertising presence. The Hub is a network of independent recruitment specialists utilising a centralised delivery, back office and support function – or hub – hence the name.

The Hub enables the Recruitment Partner to diversify and open up new business channels by providing a market leading delivery capability. The Fees are split between The Hub and the Recruitment Partner and there is no minimum commitment to use us. You maintain contact with your client.

If you would be interested in learning more about us and the way that we work, please visit our website at or get in touch with me! My mail address is

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