Monday, 16 May 2011

Cotwold Way Plod 2011

On the weekend of 11th June 2011, a team of 4 including me will be trekking non-stop for forty miles across the Cotswold Way, in the DARK, and all in the name of charity!

We are raising money for 'Action For Medical Research for Children', a charity dedicated to improving the health of children and babies across the UK. We are hoping to raise a grand total of £2500 collectively, to help Action Medical Research continue to address serious childhood conditions, and improve the quality of life for children with disabilities.

We will complete the challenge in two seperate teams; the first headed up by Jonny Hiles and consisting of Stuart Adams, Charlie Ten Broeke, Oliver Dawe along with team driver Chesney Windsor; and the second headed up by Jon Ball, and including Mark Beale, James McNicol, Paul Bennett and David Nock.

Stuart said: "Training is underway and both teams have already done a number of walks in preparation for the challenge. Friendly rivalry is growing between the teams, and all those involved are definitely starting to understand how tough this challenge will be. "

For more details and sponsorship please log on to the link below, your support would be very much appreciated for a very worthy cause. or

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