Thursday, 13 August 2009

Hiles family

Quick Personal Blog! - The Hub Business Blog to follow!

Thank you all for your messages. Jo has actually had a couple of days now with no morning sickness so is loving life!

The Pic this week is of me in my mad hat at Jo's birthday 'Mad Hatters Tea Party' at the weekend.
Why the Roman helmet? - I was after a Bicorn(e),- imagine an Admirals hat, but was unable to find one that wasn't either cheap floppy felt or an expensive antique. As they are Naval hats, I went on to a militaria website to try and find one and thats when I happend upon the Steel Roman Legionaires replica helmet. I guess that it would have been made for someone that is into re-enactments, but I couldn't resist it when I learnt that it was only £14.40!
Granted, I hadnt really thought through wearing it on a hot day and running around playing rounders!

We will be flaking the main on Domino this weekend and heading off down river so keep fingers crossed. Update next week!

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