Thank you all for your kind messages and wishes for Jojo, Theodore and I. Theodore Hiles arrived on Saturday 30th January weighing in a 8lbs, 10 ounces, a perfect baby boy.
The experience is just magical and despite my protestations about not looking south before the labour, I saw him being born. The labour was straightforward and fairly swift - only 8 hours from waters breaking to arrival, so Jo wasn't too exhausted but the labour wasn't so fast that it was out of control.
Watching Jo go through the pain and effort to produce our son is just the single greatest thing that I will ever witness.
Since the birth, life has been turned on its head. We were warned constantly that we would be tired, but until they arrive home, you cannot believe how tired you actually are. Jo bears the brunt of the sleep deprivation whilst I try and maintain a diurnal life because of work. I am sure that life will settle down at some point but other things which I now notice are a) our previously tidy, modern and slightly minimalist home, has been wrecked!; b) it takes huge amounts of planning and energy to leave home!; c) because we lack the energy and will to go anywhere and spend any money, our bank balance is unnaturally healthy for late in the month!; d) he doesnt like outfits, his pram, his moses basket or some of the other really expensive things that we bought for him!; e) baby clothes with poppers all the way down the front are the easiest and he likes them, he doesnt like things that have to go over his head!; f) always have a towell or something handy to stem the flow for the times that he decides to 'go' when you are mid way through a nappy change! I could go on but the ultiimate lesson is that I must enjoy every day!
I promise not to bore you with constant updates from now on, but as you had been so kind with your interest, messages and wishes, I thought that I should add an entry.
Today, I start my first full week back in the office from paternity and I feel good, having had a good sleep last night. I know that there are a number of messages and emails to which will respond and I am working my way through over the next day or two but if you need to discuss, please give me a call on 0845 117 0 115. As ever check out The Hub Website - http://www.recruitment-hub.com and see our Twitter feed for the latest from us!
Jonny Hiles
The Hub (Recruitment Hub)
http://www.recruitment-hub.com or http://jonnyhub.blogspot.com